
This is Scott, my right-hand man.


things I've lost so far

1. light blue bra - Wilton, ca (I hope!)

2. clear glasses for nighttime riding - en route from Portland Union Station to leeann's place

3. earplugs - I packed four, two sets of two, and a capsule to keep them in. on morning one in Portland I put them back in their case and on the table nearby, missing by evening. I employed the backup set and put them, raw and exposed, on a different table by the sofa and by evening I noticed they were missing again. it wasn't until my last night that I felt compelled to track them down. found the two loose ones and after inquiring learned that Ryker had discovered them, so who knows where they and their case have travelled to by now?

4. camping utensil (spoon, knife, and fork all in one!) - threw away the wheat thins box when we arrived in Denver, having forgotten that the doohickey was inside.

5. hair tie - somewhere between waking up on Monday on the train and wanting to pull my hair back I realized my hair had already been pulled back but the tie was missing. good thing I brought one extra, just in case.


I'm going to keep thanking god everyday that I've yet to lose anything of real value.

1 comment:

cnwright said...

Yup- Blue bra in the laundry room- THE most important thing to not lose is your health- as in your unbruised, unbroken, pretty self...