
This is Scott, my right-hand man.


possibly my last day in portland

I thought that Thursday would be my last day and that an outing with Leeann on Wednesday night would round off my stay quite well. turns out that we have no control over our plans.

roughly an hour after my last post, leeann and I went out on the town. we weren't planning to go out on the town, it was supposed to be just for a drink, but sometimes these things happen and you gotta just roll with it! she basically gave me a tour of the Pearl District which I definitely needed if I expected to spend another aimless day people-watching and whatnot. at our third stop the nice chick sitting next to us at the bar apologized for eavesdropping but felt compelled to comment on our scintillating and highly intelligent conversation. turned out that Megan was visiting a special beau here in Portland and taking the month of July off from her life in Alberta, Canada. so we three pooled our forced together and discussed the woes of relationships... then moved the party to another bar. by the end of the night, Megan and I had bonded enough that we traded phone numbers and she invited me to accompany her to the beach!

she picked me up around 10a and we gabbed the whole way to Pacific City. we had lunch at the Pelican brewpub and then climbed these densely packed sand/rock dunes all the way out to the water. we even took pictures of each other holding yoga postures with the ocean behind us. I'll be showing those off once she puts them up on facebook. finally we climbed The Sand Dune. epic dune of sand, let me tell you. the yoga posture at the top of that accomplishment was incredibly satisfying. after a stroll through the waves of the ocean we piled back into her car and went back to portland, sunburns and all.

needless to say I wasn't able to attend that yoga class and I even began to work on getting a rental car secured for the next day. I just needed one more day in Portland, one more shot at that yoga class, ... and business hours to arrange said rental car. ha.

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