
This is Scott, my right-hand man.


sacramento train station

my train was supposed to sweep me off my feet at 11:59pm on saturday night. at the time of this writing, the clock says 1:28am sunday. last we heard it should be here by 2:45am sunday. bleh. this happened the last time I took one of these big trains. I knew to expect this sort of thing but now that I'm in it: bleh.

I had stupidly assumed, the last few weeks, that trains don't sell out. "who rides trains anymore?" lots of people, I guess. when I checked the status, on a whim, of my desired train it had already completely sold out! the horror! so I'm a day later than intended and now an additional three hours to boot. did I mention, "bleh"?

I've never had to pack a bicycle into a bike box. let me tell you, it's less than great fun. at least I'll never again know nothing about what needs to be done in order for it all to fit. I was so pleased to find that this bike was already outfitted with petite person bars. however, their small frame keeps them from folding down as nicely as a standard set would. let's just say: that box has got some bulges. heh.

the side effect of staying at my mom's place for many days is that I regress to college-age sleeping habits. so, even though I have been (and will continue to) waiting for this train for years already, at least I didn't wake up today until 11am.

I hate having stuff to watch over. I went completely manic when Annette and I were hauling our bags from la guardia in nyc to our hostel some three years ago. I'm experiencing the same madness here tonight. thank goodness my mom and my sister are here to assure me my things are being watched while I'm, say, squashing my bike into a box. this is going to be crazy when I'm doing this by myself down the line. what if I have to use the restroom? oy vey.

this next thought has very little to do with the previous thought: I wish kalman were taking this trip with me. I haven't even gotten into the "I've been on this train forever, dear god let me be free" jitters yet. but still, he's so warm and funny. I haven't seen him for a week now and I definitely miss him. awwww...

I brought too much food for this train ride. I guess I'll just have to ride through portland to leeann's place with a plastic grocery bag hanging from my bars.

I hope everyone hopes for nice weather for me. I think Portland will treat me well...

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